Friday, February 20, 2009
The Levels Of Dating......
The Level Of Dating
level 1: Talking to a girl/boy
level 2: Asking a girl out/asking a boy out
level 3: Going out with her/him
level 4 : Bother to sit with her/ him
level 5: Leaning on her/ him
level 6: Putting ur hand over her/him
level 7: Hugging her/him
level 8: Holding hands
level 9: Letting him/her sit on ur lap
level 10: Pecking
level 11: Kissing
level 12: Butt touching
level 13: French kiss
level 14: Private touching
level15: End, there is more but thats what u do when u are married
So where r u now. there is Negative too.
level 0: Know a girl/boy
level -1: No knowledge of girls/boy
level -2: Cant be bothered about girls/boys
level -3: Scared of girls
level -4: Girls??? whats that??
level -5: Gay/lesbian
level -6: Having pravite practise with the same sex
hopefully dun fall into the negative levels
posted @ 11:24 PM